Friday, February 22, 2008

Yikes! Appendicitis

We spent last night here at University Hospital. For a couple days Patrice had some stomach pains. A CT scan and our family doctor (Dr Bradford)and the excellent surgeon (Dr Laird) he referred her to confirmed the worst. Her appendix had to come out. Patrice was a little nervous since the surgeon is the same age as our daughter. Turns out that's old enough because she did a great job. The good news is that the recovery time is supposed to be one week. We are greatful that this did not happen in rural China. One condition of Patrice taking the trip... I have to carry her bags for the first two weeks. Well, it beats going alone. Hey everybody, keep us in your prayers.
P.S. as I edit this it's Tuesday night and Patrice is healing slowly. I am doing my best to keep her from over-doing it. At this point it still looks good to leave Saturday.

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